But, I was planning to bring Aina to her 2nd cousins' birthday bash so I opted out.
On Saturday morning Aina was still feverish and coughing so I asked my niece if I could change my mind... :-p
After a whole day of giving Aina her meds, her fever was gone but her cough was getting worse so I decided not to attend the party for fear other kids would catch her cough, and so it was Double Trouble that evening....

Special thanks to hubby who agreed to go with me even though it wasn't really his scene.

DT was not to be missed. I couldn't not go as I had been to the first one FIFTTEEN years ago at the Stadium Negara, and believe me, it still plays in my head!! LOL

And since I read somewhere once that this mayor may not be the last time the two legends will be on one stage together, I figured I HAD to go to this one.... :-D :-D :-D

No need for long exhaustive words, just these pics to share....

We did leave immediately after "Gemuruh" though because they usually team up towards the end, and to wait till the end would mean traffic-death!! LOL We didn't miss a lot though because the long walk from the Surf Beach to the main entrance allowed us to still hear the band even though we'd left them more than halfway behind :-) :-p

One thing for sure, this MIGHT well be the last time I go for an open air concert LOL
wow... u pergi????? bestnyeee