
Down, maybe but not quite out..........

The other day, I felt sorry for a friend who had to endure crap in the office, and today it's my turn to rant and rave!

In my single days, where I used to work 12 - 13 hrs a day, my mom would tell me that one day, when my priorities change i.e. married with kids, then maybe people will think bad of me if my commitment to the job seem to diminish.

I used to laugh it off.

Now, I am not so sure. Maybe what mom said was true.


1. if putting my child's needs above all else will cost me a piece of negative comment on record;

2. if planning quality time with my family would mean missing out on certain perks; or

3. if putting forth my own health and well-being means being selfish......

then so be it because a very smart lady once told me, "put yourself and your family above all else because that is all you'll have when you're old and grey. A company is an entity, and will always remain just that".

To those who find it pleasurable to create waves and ripples in other people's lives, I wish only that you get just as good as you give, if not more.



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