He was born at 32 weeks, and weighed 1.74kg at birth.
We'd only managed to meet this little tyke on Sunday, and he was a little gem :-)
Here are some pics of him, just to share....

Firstly, ignore the text in the pic below since the dinner was actually on Thursday LOL LOL
I'm losing my mind, I think!!!
I made the 3 dishes since I was fasting, and it was the last of what we had in the fridge :-D LOL

I made a simple marinade-cum-rub and grilled the beef for about an hour plus to make sure it stayed a little pink, just as we liked it :-D
(my very lazy way!!)
you need:
approx. 450g of beef chunk
turmeric powder
a bit of tenderiser
chilli powder
light soy sauce
dark soy sauce
how to:
rub in the marinade mixture into the beef chunk and leave for about 15-30 mins.
set the oven to about 120'C, and grill for about 1hr or so. check on the beef chunk on doneness.
serve according to preference.
note: u can increase the temp to maximum for the last 10 mins or so to 'crisp up' the layer of fat on the outside. leave meat to rest about 10mins before slicing up for serving.
Oh yeah, just in case anyone is interested, I'm also enclosing the recipe for my version of hoisin prawns. It's basically a cheat's recipe, but u can adjust, add or take out stuff u don't like and even change the cooking style a bit. Just a guide....
you need:
500g prawns, cleaned and deveined
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 Tbs hoisin sauce (store bought)
1 Tbs oyster sauce
a bit of water
salt & sugar, to taste
how to:
heat up oil in a wok and fry the garlic till fragrant and slightly golden. stir in prawns and fry until skin starts to crisp up. add in the combined sauces + water and bring up to a simmer. check seasoning and serve hot.
Ehehehe...and below is a pic of the cheeky pot, having her lunch :-D

Oh yeah... I have a couple more pics of this cheeky pot which I've not resized, so I'll probably upload them in the next entry.
Until then, keep safe everyone............
Congrats on the new addition to the family !!
ReplyDeleteWaaahh...Aina dapat kawan baru lah tak lama lagi bila Azri dah besar.
Hmmmm...Aina nampak matured laaa in that look...bergulung2 lagi rambut magginya tuuu.
Re : Krinn pun jarang buat creampuff tu sbb kat umah ni tak de peminat kecuali myself...
salam aliza..
ReplyDeletecomelllnyer baby tuh..kecik jer..ingat anak kita kecik, ada lg anak org yg kecik..:)..apepun, tahniah dpt ahli keluarga baru..meriahkan..
aina pun nampak dah besar..sy dah lama bc FP dan blog aliza ni..suke cara penulisan yg simple dan dpt improve english..hehehe..
tp yg paling best, resipi yg enak2 belaka..
::rinnchan:: kak rinn, si aina mmg nak terjun masuk cot azri dah, sambil tangan dia dok twiddling2... kira geram la tu, mcm tgk anak patung LOL tapi bila i main dgn azri, dia mula protes... jeles la tu kot, ahahahah....
ReplyDelete::joyah:: ohhh ikut dari FP yer? :-) kat sana mmg byk resipi dari sini sbb kat sini ala2 mcm baru... also, kekadang bz sgt dgn aina tu sampai tak terhapdet kat sini... insyaAllah, akan diusahakan utk memeriahkan lagi blog ni dgn pelbagai makanan :-D
tks for the support :-)
aina's soooo cute....gigi pun dah banyak