TokMi will give her free reign basically, and she will maximise the opportunity!!
See, here she's trying to climb up the stool to access Mom's dressing table.
What she wants from there you may ask?
- TokMi's and Tok Ayah's picture, framed in glass
- TokMi's perfume, which she will take to TokMi and ask to be sprayed with it
- TokMi's lavender scented powder, which she'll put all over her face

Then, if TokMi leaves her bedroom slippers lying around.......... well, just look below!!

Babah came back on Wednesday, earlier than expected. I was expecting him to arrive in KL in the evening, but he called early Weds morning to say he'll be arriving arouns 2pm.
As soon as he got back, we obviously got to work to get all the fish out to be cleaned. Needless to say, Aina was in awe LOL LOL LOL

OK. This is my first time EVER cleaning a fish this huge. This is the haruan tasik, which I filleted and skinned, to be made into our dinner of fish 'n chips :-D :-D :-D

Ana had a 'jolly good time' cleaning the kitchen after our glorious battle with the fish.... :-s
Will update pics of the cooked bounty, IF i remember to snap before we grab!! LOL
maaakkk! besornya! tak payah aina la, kita pun tak pernah tengok ikan besor tu