
Kuala Kangsar ~ Culture & Heritage

The team from Lonely Planet India also covered a bit of heritage, and so our route included Kuala Kangsar...
Perak Royal Museum

Ubudiah Mosque

Kg. Kepala Bendang

~ home of the Labu Sayong

Who would have thought that our great-grandfathers had grasp the concept of purified, mineral water way back then... :-)

I remember the time when I was a child and I'd sit in front of the TV watching documentaries on how the labu sayong, wau, keris and even sulam tekat was made. If only they had the videos in DVD form today, it would be a great giveaway to visitors.... :-)

(maybe someone reading this knows someone who knows someone and can mention this....?)


1 comment:

  1. betul betul betul! i love those 10-min (or so) programs! pendek² je kan. buat kompang pun ada.

